My first solo overnight tramp

Hi, I’m Becs. I’m a life coach who helps leaders get a life.

I love adventure and challenging myself.

I incorporate this into my coaching, the courses I offer, and my life.

Read on to hear about my first solo overnight tramp, what I learned about myself, and what I’ll do differently next time.

My plan:

I planned to walk into Te Puia hut, drop my gear, and walk onto the Mangatainoka Hot Springs. After a soak, head back to Te Puia Hut for dinner and the night. Head out the next day.

My backup plan:

If I didn’t feel comfortable in the hut - or uncomfortable for any reason I planned to walk back to my car and stay there instead.

Why was I doing this?

I had scheduled a tramp for the weekend, but my tramping buddies were unavailable. I love hot pools. I’m getting more comfortable on my own and thought a solo tramp would be a great way to build my confidence further.

The location - Kaweka Forest Park, Te Puia Track

What actually happened:

I followed my plan. The backup wasn’t required. I met some lovely people. I really enjoyed the hot pools. I also really enjoyed the overall solo experience.

The Mohaka River

What I learned:

  1. I can trust myself.

    Before heading out I had been worried about the other people I might meet, if I could stick to my timings, and what I would do if something went wrong. I didn’t need to worry about these things - not because they weren’t valid, but because I could trust myself to respond appropriately and do what I needed to do to keep myself safe.

  2. Being alone is different from being lonely.

    Yes, I was on my own, but I didn’t feel lonely. I had the companionship of nature - through the sound of the river, butterflies and birds along the trail, and a couple of hutmates overnight.

  3. Nature is inspiring.

    Nothing beats nature for giving perspective and renewing the spirit. Getting away from wifi coverage and day-to-day life helps too.

  4. I’m not weird.

    I wasn’t the only person out tramping on a random Monday and I wasn’t the only person on my own. I need to worry less about what others think of me and more about what I think of myself.

The hut - Te Puia Lodge (with solar powered lights)

For next time:

Yes, there will be a next time.

For next time I’m going to take a tent with me - so my “back-up” plan will be different. I’ll be able to commit to a longer walk knowing I can tent if I need to.

I’ll also take some sandfly repellent with me.

I would love to hear from you, if you need help choosing your next adventure or starting your adventuring, or to get the life you want. Use the contact page to get in touch or book a call to find out how you can work with me.



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