Growing Great Leaders


We believe that leadership is a skill that can be honed into a craft. That’s why we built a leadership development course so that your future leaders can grow and develop with your business.

People aren’t born to lead, but can be prepared to lead. Identifying emerging leaders and creating a leadership journey plan, prepares your business for the future. Leaders are built through the combination of knowledge and its application.

We provide a range of leadership skills and practises to ensure learning is embedded and continues after the course is finished.

By playing to the individuals existing strengths, we grow leaders who are resilient, able to look after themselves and their teams.


These courses are offered online and can be bundled with 1:1 coaching sessions to enhance learning. Courses can be customised to the unique requirements of your business.

course one

Leadership Kickstart

Provide foundation leadership skills

The Introduction to Leadership course provides the foundation leadership skills required by new and emerging leadership, those who possible don't see their leadership potential. This can include team leaders, shift leaders & those in co-ordination or administration roles. This course helps the individuals to understand their strengths & how they can leverage these to provide leadership to their teams, whether they have leadership roles or not.

What does it mean to be a leader?

  • Discovering your unique strengths

  • Working with others

  • Learning from adversity

  • Creating a leadership development map

course two

Level-Up Leadership

Grow leaders confident in their abilities

The Level-Up Leadership course builds on the foundation skills already in place. We identify current leadership capabilities and determine the direction you want to stretch them in.

We look at personality types to better understand yourself and your team. And, as always, leverage your existing strengths as you grow and develop your leadership muscle.

Management vs Leadership

  • Exploring your Leadership Style

  • Understanding your Team

  • Asking the right questions

  • Creating a leadership development map

Let’s work together