CYOA - A Coaching Program

CYOA = Choose Your Own Adventure

I know others look at me and see a confident, decisive, adventure-seeker, a disciplined high achiever and a leader.

I am all those things - but I didn’t always feel like I was.

As a life coach for leaders, I have spent time unpacking my leadership journey and using it to create a framework for others to follow. And Choose Your Own Adventure was born.

Choose Your Own Adventure is a 12-week coaching program designed to build confidence, practice making decisions and learn to believe in yourself.

To be clear, this is your adventure and your journey - I can help guide the way.

This is a good fit for you if you are ready to take action, prioritise yourself and get a life. You are ready to do the work - I can provide expert guidance and support but you have to choose your own adventure.

Rather than tell you how great this program is I would like to show you.

Below is an exercise called “The person in the mirror”. I challenge you to give it a go and see what you notice.

The person in the mirror - a personal adventure

For this exercise, you will need a mirror, a timer and something to write with and on. If you have a journal - use that to record what you notice, otherwise a pen and paper will do the trick. Give yourself 10 minutes of uninterrupted, solo time.

Step 1. Look at the person in the mirror for 1 minute.

Step 2. Write down what you notice (give yourself 30-60 secs for this)

Step 3. For the second minute you can repeat step 1, or while looking at the person in the mirror list the things you like about them.

Step 4. Write down what you notice (give yourself 30-60 secs for this)

Step 5. For the 3rd minute you can repeat step 1 or step 2 or while looking at the person in the mirror, give them a pep talk.

Step 6. Write down what you notice (give yourself 30-60 secs for this)

Take a few minutes to journal how you found this exercise - was it easy, hard, uncomfortable, weird or something else?

We don’t often take the time to really look at ourselves, and we take even less time to list the things we like or give ourselves a pep talk.

Repeat this exercise for 7 days and I guarantee you will look at yourself differently.

This is what CYOA gives you, multiple opportunities to choose, to discover what you like and to embark on an adventure of learning more about yourself.

If you want to know more about my Choose Your Own Adventure Program drop me an email or use the link below to book a short phone call and I can tell you all about it.



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